My Working Process
- Meetings with Chris Eigner
- Process of Development
- Implementation Plan
- Debugging
- Liberating Structures
- Delegation Process
- Process of the Days
- Facilitate
- Use juniors
- Persist Knowledge
- Understand motivation
- Monday is for planning
- Agile process
- Whirlpool agile process
- Time Management
- task warrior
- For tasks just taskwarrior
- Two calendars life/work synced to task warrior - for schedulable tasks which I will forget to do
- task warrior
- Processes
- Retrospectives with impact/effort/mood matrix
- Feature Dependency Breakdown Process
Workarounds for my personality
- I need to understand expectations for person I am working with
- Before I get any deeper into the topic I will be working with I need to understand it first
- I am not working on code of rock star programmers (it means code that is unreadable and understandable only by person writing it)