Meetings with Michal Giergielewicz

2023-02-24 Być jak architekt

  • Birth
    • Understanding why something is done (5whys)
    • First you need to understand the architecture, then work on it
    • Pair coding
      • Pair coding is great to learn more complex things in project domain
      • Code With Me is great for pair coding
    • Pair coding vs C4 - it depends
      • There are many levels that you try to understand:
      • Code allows you to understand many layers
    • Conways Law is a very important problem to address
      • Why: Because teams are not aligned with real bounded contexts
      • Read Team Topologies
    • It is great to have own team to learn their problems
    • 500s are great to detect problems and should be reduced to 0
    • Authority = Bigger cost of a mistake
    • Before Experimenting - Have a sparring with people to get to unknown unknowns
    • Architect should dirty his hands with code - it builds his credability
      • When you build trust you can spend this points without a need to convince people
    • It is important to communicate that first you are learning and you don't want to experiment in blind
    • Metrics are best measured year-over-year or even bigger period
      • Because months influence them
    • North Style Business
    • ADRs should be in code
  • Maturity
    • Changes WILL break software
    • Enterprise Integration Patterns - may talk about migrations
      • Migration: Expand & Collapse
      • Strangler Pattern
    • Code Review
      • It bonds you with team you are caring for
      • Talk instead of pingpong in comments on Code Review
      • Create code patches for review
        • People will like you
        • And you will be coding :)
      • By having external services
        • You are paying for building anticorruption layers to yours
    • Important is to be a person who delivers improvements
    • Architect that works alone is the worst sort
    • Architect is an agile coach but technical one
    • Big meetings suck