Table of Knowledge

OloBookFrontendYou don't know js
PiotrBookFrontendJS Tutorial
PiotrBookArchitectureClean Architecture
PiotrBookArchitectureHexagon Architecture
PiotrBookArchitecture/DDDDomain Driven Design
PiotrBookArchitecture/DDDImplementing Domain Driven Design
PiotrBookDesign/ModellingDomain Story Telling
PiotrBookArchitecture/FrontendFrontend Architecture for Design Systems: A Modern Blueprint for Scalable and Sustainable Websites
PiotrBookArchitecture/FrontendProfessional Front-end Architecture: Helping Front-End Development Reach Its Full Potential
PiotrBookDesign/ModellingUser Story Mappung
PiotrBookLife AdviceBogaty Ojciec i Biedny Ojciec
PiotrBookLife AdviceIchigo Ichie
PiotrBookGrowthStaff Engineers Path
AdamBookTrainingTraining from the back of the room
AdamBookFacilitatingThe Skilled Facilitator
Grzegorz KotfisBookManagementManager's Path
Grzegorz KotfisBookManagementTeam Topologies
Grzegorz KotfisBookManagementDevops Handbook
Grzegorz KotfisPodcastArchitectureInfoQ - Susanne Kaiser on DDD
Grzegorz KotfisPodcastArchitectureReal World Serverless - Understanding Team Topologies
Lars HupelBookFunctional ProgrammingProgramming + Proving in Isabella
Ziomek z Lambda 2023 TheofielBookFunctional ProgrammingProgramming Haskell from first principles
Ziomek z Lambda 2023 TheofielBookFunctional ProgrammingGet Programming with a haskell
Ziomek z Lambda 2023 TheofielBookFunctional ProgrammingHaskell in Depth
Ziomek z Lambda 2023 TheofielBookFunctional ProgrammingFunctional DDD
DDD DiscordArticle DDDDDDAggregates Composition

Books to buy

  • Helping me to lead meetup etc
    • The Skilled Facilitator
    • Manager's Path
  • Things of interest around DDD
    • Enterpris Patterns and MDMA
    • Team Topologies
    • Enterprise Integration Patterns
      • Patterns Principles and Practices of DDD
  • Around growth as architect
    • Staff Engineer's Path
    • Accelerate
  • Others
    • Phoenix Project
    • Devops Handbook